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Finding The Light

Finding The Light

Creating the Wellground was a vision of mine and Lanie’s. We wanted to bring our favorite things, to the town we love the most. From the coziest cardigan and the best white tee to the best facialist and most innovative way to remove toxins from our bodies. Our hope was, that by bringing our favorite things together, we would organically create a community of women of all ages seeking a special place, unique experience and a place so warm and welcoming—with a beautiful aesthetic, of course. We often hear people say how they just want to come and hang out at The Wellground, it has this inviting feel which is exactly how we dreamed it would be. 

By opening the Wellground Sanctuary, we are now able to share our most favorite practitioners, teachers and treatments with our favorite people. Lanie and I are both seekers by nature, Lanie’s skill is finding and curating the designers, clothing and home accessories– and my skill is finding and trying the best, craziest and newest skin, wellness and body treatments. I go into the city every week to try new places, people and treatments and am so happy to begin sharing all of this with our beautiful community of women.

We feel so fortunate to be living in a time when women are becoming more empowered everyday, and are encouraged to express our desires, opinions and voices. This progress, while necessary, beneficial and long overdue, also comes at a cost—many of the mechanisms that are driving these positive changes are disconnecting us from each other, our families and human interaction and relationships. We are all so attached to and dependent on our cellphones and technology, that we are missing out on the beauty of human interaction, conversation, introspection and so much more. We believe that remaining grounded, reminding ourselves of what we are grateful for and bringing things back to a more simplistic way of life is what we are craving. Community, relationships and supporting one another are the cornerstones of the Wellground.  And our goal is to bring you all these experiences, while keeping you looking and feeling like your best self.

Everything we offer, we have tried and love ourselves.  However, we rely on your honest feedback as the key to our success.  We want to hear you and create a space where you feel as comfortable and content as we do.


One of our favorite new combination treatments–

Bio Mat and LED Light Mask Treatment: 25 minutes $60

Enter the Bio Mat. A few years back when my anxieties were at an all time high I started seeing Stacey Lynn who helped me breathe, clear my energy, do yoga, release stored emotions and get well all while I laid on this amethyst crystal bio mat. Since I am impulsive, to say the least, I had to buy one of these pricey heated amethyst crystal mats for my home. Albeit pricey, it is one of the best investments I have made. As a superconductor, amethyst helps to deliver Infrared light waves and balancing Negative Ion Therapy to your body, which helps to alleviate depression, insomnia, inflammation, anxiety, low energy, and bodily aches and pains.

The Bio Mat is FDA-approved and helps to:
- boost your immune system
- improve circulation
- release serotonin
- reduce inflammation
- help sleep


Georgia Louise LED Mask

LED lights are incredible for your skin.  We wanted to offer a combination of the bio mat treatment for your body with the LED mask for your face. 

LED Photon mask therapy uses seven different colors when penetrating your pores to help rejuvenate your complexion.

This revolutionary, simple solution:
- treats skin aging issues
- improves blood circulation
- improves skin complexion
- reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- brightens and blemish control

Each of the varying wavelengths has an effect that will treat and improve different skin concerns. 

20 minutes 2-3 times a week has been proven to dramatically change your skin within 6 weeks. 

Lanie and I are both big believers in this LED mask.  We are both trying to reverse all the years spent in the sun, and even tanning beds—both Lanie and I are guilty of indulging in the face tanning machine.  We would love for you to try our’s out and see if you see the results as much as we do!










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